
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Assigment preparation of call

Tutorial with sreen vidios windows

. Hello everyone....

Here I Will share to you how to make tutorial screen vidio in laptop or PC With software windows. You can aksess the link to learn it. ..

Link download:

E-Book Functional Grammar

If you want to know about the Functional Grammar you can see in this blog!

1. Functional Grammar

 Functional Grammar is a way of giving students a language for talking about the different language features they see in different texts, even syntax is concerned with the discovery of basic sentence types and with the description of the possible substitution for each element of the basic types. Beside that, Syntax is the study and rules of the relation of words to another as expressions of ideas and part of structures of sentences; the study and science of sentence construction. So, Syntax is the branch of linguistics which is concerned with the study of the arrangement of word in sentences and of the means by which such relationship are shown.

To get specific or more deeply , you can see e-book below: 

Download here

2. Introducing Functional Grammar.

Introducing Functional Grammar, third edition, provides a user-friendly overview of the 

theoretical and practical aspects of the systemic functional grammar (SFG) model.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Approaches to the Study of Semantics

Approaches to the Study of Semantic

Traditional semantics .

Traditional semantics is associated with the works of such great philosophers as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle as well as many others who came after them. Their main focus was on the nature of human language itself. Based on their views of the nature of human language, these early philosophers were divided into two – the naturalists and the nurturists.

To the naturalists, language was God-given such that there was hardly anything anybody could do to understand language. Man was not expected to make alterations,butu should concern himself with merely observing and describing the rules of language. The Greek language was perceived to be the chosen language upon which all other languages should be based. Later, Latin became the focus of philosophical analysis.

Concept and Definition of Semantics

 Concept and Definition of Semantics

Summary Semantic 1

Semantics as a term was first formally used by Breal in 1897. Hence, we can deduce that Breal was the first to bring to the fore in a formally acceptable way, the nature of meaning in language. In minangkabau all of the world dikaji secara filosofis. 

Example : mangakeh ( in indonesian meaning is hard work) 

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